5 Habits You Need To Practice While Taking Glutathione Supplement - HER®

5 Habits You Need To Practice While Taking Glutathione Supplement

Glutathione supplements are widely used for achieving a brighter and healthier complexion. However, if you're not seeing any results despite taking them for a while, the product itself may not be the problem.

Many brands fail to mention that your body's absorption and utilization of the supplement are critical factors in achieving results. To maximize the benefits of glutathione supplements, it's important to do your research, consult reliable sources, and establish good habits.

Consider adopting these five habits to boost the effectiveness of your glutathione supplement and achieve the desired results.

Maximizing glutathione supplement's benefits requires cultivating habits that support the body's functions. Here are five such habits to start with:

  1. Do Breathing Exercises
  2. Drink Warm Water
  3. Sleep Before 11 PM
  4. Eat On Time (Best Time For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  5. Avoid Greasy, Oily, Fried and Dairy Food & Drinks

1 Do Breathing Exercises and Move

Breathing exercises offer numerous benefits to our bodies, particularly when done correctly. These exercises can help create a gap between our minds and bodies, improve emotional release, and alleviate anxiety by increasing blood oxygen levels.

Meditation is an excellent complement to breathing exercises, allowing us to manage our emotions, distance ourselves from our thoughts, and prevent negativity from invading our minds. When physical activity is combined with meditation, the benefits are even greater!

I incorporate breathing exercises into my daily routine, having learned proper techniques from Wim Hof.

2 Drink Warm Water

Drinking warm water aids digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, which breaks down food and absorbs nutrients easily. It also soothes stomach discomfort and lowers the risk of acid reflux.

On the contrary, drinking cold water can slow down digestion, reducing nutrient absorption, and trigger stress hormones due to stomach muscle contraction. For optimal digestion and overall health, it's advisable to drink warm or room temperature water.

3 Sleep Before 11 PM

Resting is crucial for our body, particularly when our organs are detoxifying. Hence, it's recommended to sleep early to let the natural detoxification process happen between 11 PM to 3 AM.

This will not only make you feel refreshed in the morning but will also benefit your body.

HER Body Clock

Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese body clock is based on the idea that you can make the most of your energy and specific organs by using them when they're at their peak

4 Eat On Time (Best Time For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

In our fast-paced world, we often prioritize work over our health, especially when it comes to eating on time. However, food is essential for energy and growth, and eating at the right time is crucial for our overall health.

Neglecting meal times can result in acid reflux, headaches, mood swings, and can compromise the health of all our organs.

To optimize our health, it's important to eat at specific times, which are non-negotiable.

Breakfast should be consumed between 7-8 AM,

Lunch between 12-1 PM, and

Dinner between 5-6 PM.

By following these eating times, we give our organs the necessary nourishment and ensure proper digestion and absorption.

You can also refer to the Body Clock diagram to understand which organs are responsible for digestion and absorption.

5 Avoid Greasy, Oily, Fried and Dairy Food & Drinks

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for overall health and wellbeing, especially in the midst of a pandemic. While the saying "You are what you eat" is often used, it is important to understand the impact of the foods we consume on our body.

Our stomach acts like an engine to break down nutrients from the food we eat, but consuming greasy, oily, fried, and dairy food and drinks can slow down our digestion and cause excess dampness, heat, and stagnation in our bodies, leading to inflammation and other health issues.

An unhealthy diet can consist of raw foods and iced beverages, which can be a shock to the body and require a lot of energy for digestion. Processed foods, such as those that come in boxes, plastic wrappers, or cans, are also problematic as they can cause inflammation. Additionally, alcohol can lead to excess heat and liver damage.

While meat is not discouraged, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) suggests that it should make up no more than 10% of the diet due to its high yang energy. Lastly, dairy is very damp and cold, which can weaken digestive organs, and should be consumed in small amounts.

Being mindful of what we eat and how we prepare our food is essential for maintaining optimal health and avoiding health issues in the long run.


Lifestyle is crucial to achieving overall health, both physically and mentally. In addition to being mindful of what we eat and drink, having knowledge of what is beneficial and what should be avoided is essential.

Supplements are designed to supplement our diets, filling any gaps or deficiencies we may have.

One such supplement is glutathione, which is rich in antioxidants and not only helps to lighten skin but also aids in eliminating toxins from the body and promoting proper organ function.

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